

Purpose of IELTS Speaking test

The Speaking test is an oral interview between you and the examiner. The purpose of the Speaking test is to determine how effectively you can communicate in English.

Structure of the test

IELTS Speaking test is divided into 3 parts. Each part is different in terms of the given tasks and how you and the examiner will communicate.
Task and language
part 1

4-5 minutes
Introduction & Interview The examiner greets you and then introduces himself (herself) to you. The examiner checks your ID.
The examiner asks you some questions about topics that are familiar to you.
part 2

3-4 minutes
Individual long turn The examiner gives you a card with a topic written on it and some prompts to help you with your answer. You are also given a pencil and a piece of paper to make notes if you wish. You have one minute to think about the topic and prepare your answer.
Then, you must speak about the topic for one to two minutes. The examiner may stop you if you speak longer than this. After you finish talking, the examiner may ask you one or two follow-up questions.
part 3

4-5 minutes
Two-way discussion The examiner asks you some questions to involve you in a discussion. The questions the examiner asks have the same theme as Part 2. The language required in the discussion is generally more abstract than in the other sections.

Procedures on the test day

The Speaking test takes place on other day and in other place than other parts of IELTS.
  1. After you have registered for IELTS (you can do it here), the test administrator will inform you about your interview time and place.

  2. When you come to the test centre for your Speaking test, the test administrator will tell you the room number when your test will take place. Close to the time of your test, you will be shown to a waiting area.

  3. The examiner will call you into the test room and ask you to sit at a table facing him/her.

  4. When you come to the room, the examiner will turn on a recorder and start your Speaking test. Don't worry about that - all interviews are recorded to make sure the Speaking test is fair.