IELTS Speaking Vocabulary. Health
See IELTS Speaking sample about Health >
Advanced vocabulary:
- addict: a person, who is obsessed (addicted) by (to) something, drugs or alcohol, for example. My friend used to be an addict, but thankfully he's healthy now.
- a check-up: an examination done by a doctor. I felt ill for a few days, so I went for a check-up.
- a runny nose: a nose that has liquid coming out of it. I caught a cold so now I have a runny nose.
- chronic disease: a type of disease that continues to occur for a long time. My friend Rob needs to use inhaler every day, because he has chronic asthma.
- impediment: a physical defect that hinders normal or easy speech. After an accident, Jim developed an impediment - he stutters.
- epidemic: when disease spreads very quickly and effects a large number of people. There was a large epidemic in South Africa in 20th century. It took away millions of lives.
- painkillers: medicine for dealing with pain. I had to take the painkillers last night, because I couldn't handle the pain.
- rehab: a course of treatment for drug or alcohol or any other dependence. After talking to a doctor, Jim decided to go to a rehab.
- to diagnose: to recognise an illness by examining the patient. Although Nick had a very rare disease, his doctor managed to diagnose it correctly.
- to stutter: to talk with a continued accidental repetition of sounds. Sometimes you might develop a stutter if you have been scared by someone or something
Useful idioms:
- alive and kicking: to continue being well and healthy. My grandma is almost 90 but she's still alive and kicking.
- to break a habit: to stop doing something that is a habit, especially something bad or harmful. I was a drug addict, but a managed to break this habit.
- to black out: to lose consciousness.I blacked out before my final exam, because I was too worried about it.
- to be under the weather: to feel ill. Mary won't be at work todays, she's a bit under the weather.
- to phone in sick: to call your superior to inform him/her that you are sick and won't be at work for some time. I had to phone in sick last week, because I caught a flu.
- sick as a dog = to be at death’s door: very sick. Paul caught a flu a few days ago and now he's sick as a dog.
- white as a sheet: can be sad about a very pale person. Jonh looks sick. Look at him! He's white as a sheet.